The Groundswell event provides the perfect opportunity for farmers and anyone interested in the environment or food production to learn about regenerative farming systems and conservation agriculture, including no-till, cover crops and re-introducing livestock into the arable rotation, with a view to improving soil health.
If attending the show, you can expect to find the Mixidisc 3m, LDS 3m with SDOs & seeder, Strake 6m and the Interrow Weeder all on the Sumo stand, which you can find on plot DF DW8. On the Sumo demo plot, located to the back of the static plot, you will be able to see the Sumo DD in action – the essential tool for zero-till crop establishment where seed placement is required with minimal soil disturbance.
The DD system is based on the zero-till approach to farming, allowing crop residues to be left in the field, which the DD coulter helps to incorporation of the remaining residues into the soil profile, aiding the structure and health of the microbes and worms which live within the soil, providing cover for the soil at critical times of the year, meaning the moisture is locked into these areas, ready for young crops to use and absorb.
Our main aim is to help farmers to lower input costs, improve yields and protect the environment with our range of efficient, British-built machinery.
The Sumo team and looking forward to welcoming you onto the stand at Groundswell 2023!